Inspired by Nature, 2023
(Updated, August 3, 2023)
Inspired by Nature 2023 Art Exhibition
At the White Bear Center for the Arts, 9/11/2023-10/20/2023
Important Dates and Information for Artists
8/3/2023 Updates: Artwork drop-off, Opening Reception registration and Introduction to Botanical Art registration
The Inspired by Nature Exhibition is a non-juried art show open to all members in good-standing of the Great River Chapter of the American Society of Botanical Artists. The purpose of the show is to display quality, scientifically accurate works by our members of botanical art rendered in watercolor, colored pencil, graphite, acrylic, etching, pen and ink, gouache or a mixture of those mediums. The exhibition is also an opportunity to educate the public on the history, beauty and joys of botanical art.
Information about the show is listed below. If you have additional questions please reach out to Pat Anderson and Meg Kasting at bearstuga@aol.com and meglkmn@gmail.com.
Artwork Submission
Submission dates are 6/30/2023 thru 7/31/2023.
Art work displayed in previous shows is permitted.
Submit all artwork to Meg Kasting at meglkmn@gmail.com. Do a separate email for each piece of art. Information to include in submission:
JPG of art piece.
Title of artwork.
Medium used to create the piece.
Size, both framed and unframed. Round-up to the closest ¼ inch.
Value of your artwork.
Whether art work is for sale or not. If artwork is sold, the White Bear Center for the Arts (WBCA) receives a 30% commission.
If your artwork is not for sale, still provide a value for insurance purposes (which is provided by WBCA.)
If the artwork has been in earlier Inspired by Nature exhibits.
Whether this is your first time exhibiting in Inspired by Nature.
Your name as you want it to appear in the show, like a nickname. Note all names will be displayed consistently, such as last name first.
Your biographical information.
If you are ok with what is on the Great River Chapter website, let me know.
If you have previously submitted a biography in prior years. If you have and I can find it, I will send it to you to review and make any updates.
If you have never done a biography, look under the Gallery section of the Great River website for ideas.
You will receive a confirming email that your submission has been received. If you do not receive a confirmation within a day, please reach out to Meg Kasting.
By August 6th selection of pieces that will be included in the exhibit will be made. We will be in contact by that date, if we have questions or we have exceeded the display capacity at WBCA and we need to discuss selection of pieces to include in the exhibition.
Framing of Artwork
• White or off-white mat, single or double
• Wood frames (no metal or plastic) – natural, stained (browns), or painted (white, off-white, gold, silver, black)
• Wired for hanging with D-rings
Acrylic/plexiglass is suggested (but not required) for safety reasons.
Work not in compliance will not be hung.
Drop Off of Artwork
Drop off artwork at WBCA on 8/26/2023 from 10:30 to 2:30. If you have a conflict that prevents you from dropping off your artwork contact Meg Kasting and Pat Anderson.
Exhibit Dates
The exhibit runs from 9/11/2023 thru 10/20/2023.
Opening Reception
The Opening Reception will be 9/14/2023, from 6:30 to 8:30. Register for the Opening Reception at
Inspired by Nature Opening Reception Registration.
Presentation on Introduction to Botanical Art will be on 9/19/2023 from 7:00 to 8:30. Register here: Introduction to Botanical Art.
Download invitation here:
Pick-up of Artwork
Artwork is to be picked-up on 10/21/2023. Specific times will be published later. If you have a conflict that prevents you from picking-up your artwork contact Meg Kasting and Pat Anderson.
Sales in Gift Ship
Artists have the opportunity to sell prints, cards and other items in the WBCA gift shop. Sales may extend beyond the exhibition period. If you are interested in this opportunity contact Meg Kasting for details or directly submit an application to WBCA using the following link: